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I love it, the frustration makes you keep wanting to try again  rather than just give up on the game. Definitely something that I would play in my free time. 

The game was challenging and the false hearts really to the anger.

All in all, very well done.

The game is quite frustrating as I was warned. However I did find it entertaining, and challenging, which kept drawing me back to play the game and try my best to beat it. I did not think I would enjoy a style of a game like this, but surprisingly I did. I think I would be interested in playing a famous game that is the same style. A game like Sekiro for example, I heard it's very difficult and makes the player very angry, so I might try it thanks to trying this game.

I have always enjoyed platformer games since they were the games that enveloped my interest during my childhood growing up. Having diverted my interest into 3rd person rpg triple A games in recent years, this game has definitely reinvigorated that childhood interest that encapsulated the intrigue of a challenging platformer that does not let you rest. The inclusion of extra routes that led to sure death (traps) most definitely left me furious, but only made me adamant about retrying the level to beat the developer's challenge that was so mockingly implemented using the background laugh once caught in a trap or killed. This mockingly challenging theme most definitely played tribute to souls/bourne games developed by fromsoftware and playing to what i believe is a very successfully implemented formula that i would definitely play again.

I love 2D games that remind me of my childhood enthusiasm for arcade games. This game was challenging and fun. The avatar and monster character design is pretty cool as well as the shooting rocket animation. My favorite part is the theme song, it suits the 'outer space' journey experience. I kept trying to see how far I could go so I got slightly addicted. The mocking laugh is humorous and a great addition to making the player focused to avoid being laughed at. 

Overall I enjoyed and I am currently still playing!

These kind of rage inducing games are my favorite, and the game style really brings me back to when I was little playing games on miniclip giving me a nostalgic feeling while playing. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, but hating every time I got a "Game Over" screen. There is so many different paths that many lead to a dead end, which got me screaming every time, seeing the hearts then hearing the troll laughing made me want to punch my screen, but always kept trying again. The game has a addicting aspect to it that leaves me wanting to beat it more and more the more I die. I would have like to see a death count to see how many tries it would take me to beat it to see if next time I can beat it faster with less death counts. The cold colors in the background really helps out in creating a focal point on the characters and their bright colors. I am drawn to these types of games no matter the setting I always try and beat them definitely would play a game similar to this anytime I get the chance too. 

An astronaut in space on an adventure to a unknown planet swarming with trolls, a simple concept with a simple goal of getting to the end. If only it was that easy. The game manifests into that of a  challenging platformer that encouraged me to try and plot a route with the numberous failed attempts I had done previously, a feature derived from the sheer obscurity this game was built on. This required me to have to think about my next moves carefully when faced with a new stage within the level, to avoid sudden drops from floors that seem to just fall on contact, spikes that make a simple jump a much more challenging feat, trolls that charge at the meer sight of the protagonist or jumps that require precise timing. 

All of this made the game frustrating, constantly being foiled by the same obstacle, but also rewarding when I discovered the perfect route to bypass all my previous mistakes and eventually make it to the end much more swiftly then before. 

Other then one bug I discovered, the game was solid. I didn't encounter any issues in terms of the way it ran and there was no obscure problems that occured. In fact some features like being pushed back when damaged by spikes or the trolls at first twarted my progression, but through repeat playthroughs became a tactical advantage that allowed me to almost double jump over certain challenges. 

A simply made game with a inviting and warm exterior that once started becomes a devious puzzling platformer that can make even the most experienced gamer wince with disgust, but also smile with glee when accomplishing what was once seemingly impossible. If more levels were added I will be sure to play, but as it stands there is currently no features that provide any sort of replayability. But overall it was a fun experience. 

This game was indeed frustrating, however tempting and enjoyable to play. The choice of characters and their colors were a really good choice, it suited the idea of the game very well. Sound affects were thoroughly picked too, they just made the game a whole lot funnier (even when I lose, the sound effects are the funniest). 

Throughout the game, you learn the techniques unconsciously as the obstacles increase, and they would just get more exciting and difficult. Every time I lost due to some sort of a surprise attack or fall, it just made it harder to stop, because I needed to redo and beat it. And I, in reality am not a fan of such games that make me easily tempered and would not play them again, therefore this game is worth playing again, since it's entertaining, rather than others. Incredible job, well done!

The game delivers in a very smart sense of a learning experience every time you play it, you would learn the mechanics of how the game works and what to expect. I really enjoyed the difficulty level as it tends to teach you something new every time you die and reset. For example shooting the orcs is somewhat simple logic that any person would do playing the game, but shooting spikes and breaking them is not a pretty common thing to do. I didn't find myself frustrated as i tend to be a veteran in those type of games. 

The sound design when getting fooled or getting hit was more funny than annoying, other than that everything sounded pretty accurate and cool. Game design was pretty simple for a 2D game. Controls were pretty simple and easy to learn. Though I would say the most challenging part was knowing the timing of when to jump and how, which is very classical in its way and difficult. 

This game shows the difference between games that have a high learning experience rather than just pure hard difficulty. Amazing job from the Developer. Well done!

The game presents incredibly frustrating challenges, especially as im not particularly skilled at playing 2Dp platformer games. However, if someone is very competitive or likes being challenged, especially in the presence of his friends while they take turns, the frustration can be ironically incredibly enjoyable. 

The biggest issue is when you miss a jump and land instead of dying you're placed in a situation where you believe you can still recover or salvage your progress, however, its just a death trap, where you're either beaten or have to kill yourself, no way to recover. Even though this a frustration inducing game, this is might be taking it abit too far, as giving false hope is not only frustrating but also wasting precious time you could use to play again.

As challenging as the game is, at the end of the day, even if you're completely new to platformers its very enjoyable and simple to play. To complete it may be a challenge, but playing with your friends and seeing all of them get frustrated is certainly a recipe for a good time. 

When it comes to game mechanics, I never really faced any issues, everything felt as it should, with no 'buggy' components. Also, the sound effects of minions attacking you, you dying or even trying to pick up fake health boosts definitely add a humorous element adding to the enjoyment of the game.

Whilst I did enjoy some aspects of the game, without a revision and reform by the developer, I would not play it again. Whilst I don't mind frustration-inducing games, this one was more frustrating than others.  When playing this sort of games, failure is to be expected and is often declared immediately. That is, as soon as I miss a jump, I am either given a clear second try or I fail immediately. That being said in this game, I would often fail a jump and land in a specific area where there would be more paths and enemies, leading me to believe that there was a second, optional path or, at the very least, a bonus section with additional rewards. That was not the case. I would often miss a jump, be stuck in an area, not able to go back to my initial position, and have to resort to suicide so I could complete the level. Whilst it is clear that the developer intended for players to fail often, I just wished said failure was communicated to me as soon as I performed the action, and not something I would only discover 10 seconds later. If I miss a jump and victory is not possible, just kill my character and reset the game. That being said, I can understand why playing this game with friends present could be extremely more engaging due to the entertainment factor of spectating someone you know, feel videogame induced frustration. I was also very amused by the audio design decisions. They fit well with the overall aesthetic and gameplay experience such as the background music and the mocking laughter every time I fell pray to the developers tricks and traps. Mechanics were simple, intuitive and responsive.  I look forward to experiencing this game in its finished state.

Would've ruined my mood if I kept playing, but still fun to play with and seeing your friends struggle and seeing who can finish it, so I would definitely play games like this because they can so much fun especially if played with friends. the graphics are smooth , the level was well designed to trick you , and the sounds do good job at annoying you . I will be looking forward to the finished game to give it a try.

This game was frustratingly enjoyable! The more you play, the more techniques you find even if it took  you more than 50 tries, the patience was thin at the beginning but because of how fun it is, it keeps wanting you to replay the game.  Such a great prototype, I would one hundred percent try more games like this. Which is a big statement especially from someone who does not have the focus to play the usual games in the market. Fantastic job!